Recent Blog Posts

Introducing the Extended Mind Bookcase

By Steven Hrotic

The ever-extending ‘to-read’ list isn’t an unfamiliar occupational hazard, I trust.  Nor are the reciprocals:  the to-read pile, the have-read pile … and the faintly distressing haven’t-finished pile.  Add in concepts like a finite lifespan and a finite number of bookshelves that will fit in the basement (and the finite number of boxes that will fit in the basement, and your father-in-law’s attic, and your mother’s spare room), and the other occupational hazard is inevitable:  the never-ending discussion (with ourselves and our long-suffering spouses) about how many books one rationally needs.  Or, worse, do you really need that book? 

There’s a Japanese word I’m inordinately fond of:  tsundoku. It means ...   Read More

Picking My Epistemological Battles

By Steven Hrotic

I should begin by acknowledging up front that I find myself on the more curmudgeonly end of the professorial spectrum.  I’m more than happy to lament the sorry state of … students’ preparation for college, student feedback forms and grade inflation, Credentialism and job markets, administrative overreach and too tentative administrations, &c., &c.  (In fact, the opportunity to complain is one of the attractions of co-writing this blog!)  I often say that my dream job would be in the Religion Department at the University of Vermont … in 1973.  (I’d say 1873, but Religion was still theological then, and I don’t particularly want to learn antique Greek.)

Which is to say that it really, really annoys me whenever I’m forced to confront evidence that I just might be part of the problem. 
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